Almost 100 students between 3-12 years old came face to face with life-size, moving & roaring dinosaurs. The kids were invited to visit the DINOS ALIVE exhibit at the National Science Center (runs daily until May 2011).
Upon seeing the life-size robotic Brachiosaurus and T-Rex some of the younger pre-schoolers started crying and refused to continue with the tour. Luckily after much convincing that they weren't real, they agreed to continue on :)
Can't blame them as these kids never learned about dinosaurs back in Myanmar. To them these extinct creatures were like ferocious monsters.
After overcoming their initial fears (apparently one boy peed in his pants, poor fella) they enjoyed the rest of the exhibit and spent several hours playing with the interactive experiments and displays at the main Science Hall.
The hungry kids were then treated to pizza and chicken nuggets before they went home with some amazing memories. Thanks to Total Sports Asia who sponsored the tickets and transport.