Sunday, October 18, 2009

Muffins for Everyone!

Last week the kids at New Generation school were treated to yummy homemade muffins. One of the school's regular supporters and donors, Sharon, lovingly made 100 muffins for the kids. Mind you, she's pregnant and her baby's due in a few weeks! The kids were so happy and prayed for her safe delivery. For many of the kids it was the first time they were eating muffins... all the best for a smooth and happy delivery Sharon and thanks for your continued support!

The kids later worked off their muffins by doing a fun yoga session with a real yoga instructor!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kachin Schools Shine at Faisal Cup

It was a day to remember for the Kachin schools when they took home 5 trophies at last Saturday's Faisal Cup including the Championship Trophy for the U16 football team and the U15 Girls' Netball team. It was the first time that the schools had ever won a championship and they were thrilled!
They were definitely one of the best dressed with their bright yellow and red jerseys complete with their own KRC logo. Let's not forget their fancy new boots courtesy of TSA!
The kids played their hearts out and won almost every one of their matches. The final results were Champion U16, 2nd place for U14 & U10, Champion U15 Girls Netball and 2nd U18 Girls Netball.
Congratulations to all the kids who played as well as to all their friends and teachers who came out in full force to cheer for their schools.